Christmas 2010

High Functing Autism

People with high-functioning autism or Asperger's syndrome do not have the delayed language development that's typically found in people with autism. In addition, people with high-functioning autism have average or above average intelligence. However, they may show other behaviors and signs similar to what's seen with other types of autism: delay in motor skills lack of skill in interacting with others little understanding of the abstract uses of language, such as humor or give-and-take in a conversation obsessive interest in specific items or information strong reactions to textures, smells, sounds, sights, or other stimuli that others might not even notice, such as a flickering light Unlike people with other forms of autism, people with high-functioning autism or Asperger's syndrome want to be involved with others. They simply don't know how to go about it. They may not be able to understand others' emotions. They may not read facial expressions or body language well. As a result, they may be teased and often feel like social outcasts. The unwanted social isolation can lead to anxiety and depression.

Devils Tower

Devils Tower
Coleman and Carter

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Monday, May 30, 2011

205 Glenbeck ln.

I was going over things Carter needs to know after he calls 911. Like after you dial 911 you have to push send...because I have a cell phone. Name, first and last, address, ect... I asked carter later that day what his address was and he says "205 Glenbeck ln."
uuhh did you mean Glendale ln. Carter?

i guess I watch a lot of Glen Beck plus on direct TV the channel 205 is FOX news. I wonder if he got them ixed becuase of that?

Thursday, May 19, 2011


I was not feeling well the other day and so i was laying in my bed after school. Carter tells me he is doing an experiment and I was curious and a little nervous. I walk into the kitchen and my plastic water bottles (6 maybe) are filled with hot water. Which means he emptied the water I paid for and put hot tap water in them. Holy moly. The experiment was timing and seeing how long it took for water to go from hot to cold. Cool experiment. We had to have a talk about paying and waiting money but I was proud of him. Gotta love my Carter